onsdag 9. september 2009

Beguiled, bothered, bewildered...

It's been some beautiful autumn days here.
And we've just got ourselves a kitchen machine.
There is a number of different parts and limited space.
But I'm in process of reorganizing - again;p

Today my husband came home from work and made dinner.
It was really delicious, as a testproject, I got to analyze it.
And most of it was totally great, that is the shrimps, the garlic and spring onions.
Baziled chilied tomatoes on top was tested, but didn't pass.
But the rest was REALLY GOOD!!!! :)

My days are mostly spent keeping in touch on the net here.
Quite frankly, I need to get off the net a while.
Just to be out in the world, practising my very primar russian language.
I'm beginning to understand how a person can live for years in Norway,
not knowing Norwegian.
I manage fine on the market place by just pointing, smiling and adding numbers with my fingers.
But, man, I miss so much to understand what is being said.
Even now I manage to hear differences in how people talk, but not what they talk about.
I miss good, simple, easy music.
And I miss my piano.

Choir practice will start up next week. I am so excited to join!
For nothing else, to be social again, to speak English and to sing with many more.
It is a true delight for me.

Last weekend we were joining in the city celebrating it's 862nd birthday.
It was a lot of festivity, and so pretty decorated cakes and cut fruit!
A beauty for the eye.

I've also watched "Beslan-5 years after". I was reminded how this case hit me full power when I saw it on the news back then.
But this is all for now.
I'll tell you more later.

mandag 31. august 2009

The strangest of strange

The past days in our life have been challenging for both of us.
Andreas experienced to be attacked by a drugged and angry addict who hit him because he wanted his mobile and couldn't get it.
But it all started with me not bringing my glossary with me, and in my North-Norwegian gullibelief - all people are good - and naivity, asked this guy for directions on a train-station.
I've learned that this is not the thing to do.
At least not to an unknown man.
It's easier to ask a lady. Ladies ask me all the time.
But most of all, I should know directions in advance.

This is the learning bit of it all.
And to bring my glossary in order to be clear and understood.

But through this happening I also learned about God's mercy.
And how he sent an angel to help me and my other friend and Andreas at the police station.
He had been in North-Norway some years ago!
I was so shook up by seeing Andreas blood on my clothes that I had shouted, cried and talked in French.
But this angel calmed me by talking about it as a normal matter.
And I got to know about his family and his job.

Yesterday som other friends of mine from church told me that if I should look more local, I should not smile or laugh as much or be as open with my face.

There are new lessons to be learned everyday here.

Yesterday Andreas lost something valuable.
We were looking all over for it but couldn't find it.
When he was walking the doggie, I said a prayer to God and asked him to help him find his lost sachet. Minutes after, he got a phone call from a shop where a clerck had found it and remembered who owned it.

I believe God is present in our every day lives.
If some people call it "chance" or calculate the likelyhood that negative things turn positive, is "all-right" by me. I have another factor contributing to my belief.

And when I look back at a day, a week or even years of life,
I find His footsteps all over the place.

I enjoy my days here and hope to begin work soon.
We love to Georgian food when eating out, and I will try to do some cooking on my own of that cuisine as well:)
So long....:)

tirsdag 18. august 2009

An eagle on her wings...

Today I'm contemplating what a human being needs in order to live a life with purpose.

Fellowmen is the first word that comes to mind.

I watched a program about a millionaire in England who came to live and work with homeless people, for then to donate some money to projects which aided them and made them able to aid themselves. He met a lady who ran a choir with people who had been homeless, and a lady who ran a project called Connection, which helped people through the process of getting back to living in houses after having been on the streets.

What this man concluded was that most of the people had lost touch with their networks. Often ending up on the streets came after a breakup with a partner or family member. Then, according to the homeless ones, there was a limit of two weeks - that's not much! - to get back on the track. After that, the way of life of the streets would quickly be absorbed as "normality", often in combination with alcohol and drugs.

The networks that we offer people when we meet them are first of all ourselves.

But what do we share with them?

Let us seek eachother and not give up until we find eachother.

Then let us share eachother's needs and be the support we seek:)