søndag 11. mai 2014

I had a break just from this blog.
Well, 5 years is a long break which I will not share much about.

There are some good moments during our days.
They come randomly to us, but make a whole lot of difference.

I'm working from time to time in an home for elderly who need care.
And we've got two dogs by now, Lukas and Angela.
A couple of days ago, I brought the dogs with me, for a visit.
The softness and sweetness which came to both employees, the pople who lived there, visitors and to me,
was soothing balm for the soul.
To watch the joy, the touching hands, the silent communication between man and animal, was beautiful.

When I was younger I used to be older.
This is due to life's unchangeable ways to subdue and to survive.
The experience the wisdom of the age I felt I was, partially took seat within.
I feel more at ease with the wisdom of the old woman
than with the curiousness of the young one.
But they both ask me to see them, listen to them, and be aware of their senses.
The little things of the everydays matter, they both tell me.
The cutting down of the trees in front of our apartment building.
The old woman walking her dog on the other side of the road when she sees me,
'cause he's afraid of other dogs.
The newborn colt standing on it's feet beside mama.
The drops of rain after many days of sunshine.

And the basic need to write.

Yet I believe a life can be blessed also when you cannot write.

To welcome eachother into one anothers' presences
without any form of prejudice or biased opinions, is quite rare.
If you come across it, treasure it.
Every day.